Arrive on Time

Arrive on Time

Students are expected to arrive at school on time. The first few minutes of class are important organizational times. Students who arrive late miss the opportunity to become organized for the day and to hear important announcements. Please do what you can to ensure that your child arrives on time and prepared to begin his/her school day. Students who are late are required to sign in at the office, for attendance purposes.

Please remember that your child must not be dropped off before 8:15 a.m. as there is no yard supervision until that time.

Absences and Safe Arrival

Ensuring students arrive safely at school each day is our top priority. Please use the SafeArrival absence reporting system by SchoolMessenger. Families can report absences in advance using a mobile app, website, or toll-free phone line. These options are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Release of Children During School Hours and Late Arrivals

If you wish to have your child leave the school during the day, send a note to the teacher indicating the reason for leaving as well as the time. If you need to pick up your child for an appointment during the day, please try to do so during the recess or lunch breaks to minimize interruptions to classes during instructional time. Parents are asked to pick up their child from the main office and sign him/her out. The office staff will call your child to the office for pick up. Students who arrive late, or who return to school following an appointment, must report to the office upon arrival at school to sign in.

If it is necessary for a child to be sent home during the day because of illness or for any other reason, you will be contacted to make the necessary arrangements.

Change of Information and Change of Routine

Please inform the school office of any changes in the home, business, caregiver or emergency contact telephone numbers for your child. Let us know of any other changes in pertinent information, e.g. custody, health. It is essential that we have accurate, up-to-date information in case of an unexpected emergency.

Whenever you wish to alter your child's regular lunch routine or regular dismissal routine, e.g. a child who normally takes the bus is to be picked up by a parent after school, please send a note to the homeroom teacher informing him/her of the change.

Emergency Early Dismissal

Should a storm arise during the day and, in the judgment of the bus company, students should be transported home early, the radio stations will be notified and will broadcast pertinent information. The bus students will be sent home on the buses if our emergency telephone network is able to reach you by telephone to confirm that someone will be there to receive them. If we cannot reach you or your caregiver, your child will be kept safely at school until you can pick him/her up. Please recognize that timelines are tight in these situations and we must have current telephone numbers where you can be reached. Should there be an EMERGENCY occurring during the day that requires EVACUATION from the school building, we will walk to Charlotte-Lemieux School where students will be supervised until transportation can be arranged and parents notified.

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