Code of Conduct

In keeping with our commitment to the establishment of a safe, positive, challenging and inclusive learning environment at Agincourt, our Code of Conduct outlines the expectations for the behavior of all our students. The school Code of Conduct applies at school, on the bus, and when classes are participating in out-of-school activities.

The Agincourt Elementary School Code of Conduct is based on the Ottawa – Carleton District School mission statement and the Ministry of Education’s Guidelines for student conduct and are founded on the principle that…

Students, staff and visitors have the right to a safe school environment and freedom from intimidation, harassment and threat. Physical, verbal, sexual or psychological abuse; bullying; discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, language, disability or any other attribute is unacceptable.

At Agincourt Elementary School, through partnerships between home, school, teachers, and students, we work together to prepare our children for their future. Our students are expected:

To be learners…….

To be responsible……

To be respectful……

Always do your best

Be prepared for class

Be organized

Start your work promptly

Complete all assignments carefully and neatly and follow timelines for assignments

Be a good listener and take turns


Take care of yourself and your belongings

Be punctual

Act responsibly and be accountable

Follow through on commitments

Cooperate and follow school rules

Obey school boundaries and remain on school grounds at all times

Behave in a responsible manner when on field trips, excursions, sports competitions as representatives of the school

Set a good example by being a positive role model

Dress appropriately for weather and activities

Respect yourself

Show respect for others

Be honest and truthful

Use appropriate language

Use good manners

Share and care

Be polite, honest and fair

Refrain from inappropriate touching or gestures

Respect others and their belongings at all times

Show kindness and include everyone

Play fair

Do the right thing, even when it’s difficult

At Agincourt Rd. P.S., progressive discipline is a whole-school approach that utilizes a continuum of interventions, supports, and consequences to address inappropriate student behaviour and to build upon strategies that promote positive behaviours. When inappropriate behaviour occurs, disciplinary measures are applied within a framework that shifts the focus from one that is solely punitive to one that is both corrective and supportive.

The staff at Agincourt Rd. P.S. does their best to create a harmonious and stimulating environment conducive to learning. Some examples of strategies used to create a positive school climate are: Character development; Citizenship developmentStudent leadership; Student engagement opportunities; Environmental awareness and stewardship, School assemblies, Curriculum connections, Anti-bullying and Positive behaviour programs. In dealing with students' misbehaviours, we use a range of interventions and consequences that include learning opportunities for reinforcing positive behaviour while helping students to make good choices.

Bullying is typically a form of repeated, persistent, and aggressive behaviour directed at an individual or individuals that is intended to cause (or should be known to cause) fear and distress and/or harm to another person’s body, feelings, self-esteem, or reputation. Bullying occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance. It is a dynamic of unhealthy interaction that can take many forms. It can be physical (eg. hitting, pushing, tripping), verbal (eg. name calling, mocking) or social (eg. excluding others from a group, spreading gossip or rumours). It may also occur through the use of technology. Bullying will not be accepted on school property, at school-related activities, on school buses, or in any other circumstances (e.g., online) where engaging in bullying will have a negative impact on the school climate. Consequences must be meaningful to the student and result in a positive change in behaviour. Our aim is to redirect the student’s inappropriate actions and foster a sense of respect and co-operation. When a student does not follow the School Code of Conduct, the supervising staff will discuss natural and logical consequences. Serious situations are reported to the office.

The Code of Behaviour establishes a link between unacceptable behaviour and clear, fair, and consistent consequences for students. Consequences for not following the code will involve strategies such as:

  1. Advise student(s) of inappropriate behaviour
  2. Counsel student(s), which may include:
    1. a warning and/or reprimand
    2. an apology to the person or persons affected by the misbehaviour
    3. practising correction of the offence
    4. loss of certain privileges
    5. exclusion from class or activity
    6. restitution, repair or replacement
    7. classroom teacher involvement
    8. administrative involvement
    9. parental involvement
    10. involvement of the Ottawa-Carleton Regional Police Force
    11. Inform parents of serious or repeated offence
    12. Referral to Special Services or other agency
    13. Suspension or expulsion as per the policies and procedures of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board


No person on school property or attending a school-sponsored event shall have in their possession a dangerous instrument or weapon. Toy guns and toys weapons are not permitted at school.

Mini Sticks

Mini hockey sticks as commonly used by students at recess are allowed, so long as they are used appropriately. Regular sized, or cut-off regular sized, hockey sticks are not permitted. Other hand-held sports equipment (bats, tennis rackets, lacrosse sticks, etc.) are not permitted.

OCDSB Dress Code

All students have the right to express themselves in school through their choice of clothing, hair styles, jewelry, and accessories. While a student’s style is their choice, we want to keep school a place where everyone can feel comfortable. In April 2022, the OCDSB Board of Trustees approved updates to the Safe Schools Policies, which includes the updated School District Code Of Conduct (that contains a section on dress code). The process to update these policies began in 2019 and included consultations with students, families, staff and community members on a variety of issues, including dress code. The new student dress code applies to all schools. All students have the right to express themselves through their dress without fear of body shaming, bias, or discrimination.

Cell Phones & Other Valuable Personal Property

Students are advised not to bring valuable items to school or to leave items unattended in washrooms or classrooms. The school is not responsible for loss or damage to students' personal property. Personal electronic devices (“PEDs”) such as: cameras, cell phones, MP3 players, game boys, DS, IPODS, etc. are not to be used on school property. If such items are brought to school, they must remain in students’ backpacks at all times. Students who need to use a phone should go to the school office.


When weather is appropriate, children may ride bicycles to school. Helmets are mandatory for all elementary age students. Bicycles are to be parked and locked in the bicycle racks. For safety reasons children are to walk their bicycles when they enter and leave the school yard