Visitors & Volunteers


As a visitor/volunteer, you must report to the main office upon school entry. Please do not go directly to any classroom or onto the schoolyard at recess times. All visitors/volunteers are given badges to identify them while on school property.

If you wish to withdraw your child(ren) from school during school hours, please send a note to the teacher indicating the date, time, and reason for leaving.

Parents are asked to come and sign in or sign out their child(ren) at the office. Office staff will ensure that the children are called down to the office to meet you, or return to their classrooms upon their return to school. Parents of students should not go directly to a classroom to pick up their child.

If you drop off at school in the morning, children will enter the school with their teacher or the teacher on duty. We ask that parents leave their children at the drop-off points to the school yard. If they so wish, they can pick them up at the same place at dismissal time. Please note that supervision on the yard begins at 8:15 a.m. and students should not be arriving at school prior to that time. There is no supervision on the playground after school so students are expected to go home immediately following dismissal.


Volunteers are welcome at Agincourt Rd. P.S. Parents help with classroom activities, reading programs, class trips, the library, supervising sports outings, helping with extra-curricular activities, delivering hot lunches, and so on. Community members who are not parents are asked to speak with the Principal or Vice Principal about volunteer opportunities and required procedures.