Health Matters

Allergy Smart School

We ask that parents support us in making Agincourt Rd. P.S. a safe environment for all. Approximately 10% of our students suffer from a life-threatening allergy of some kind. The majority of these are allergic to peanuts and nuts, so we strive to be a peanut/nut-free site. Teachers will communicate any guidelines about foods to avoid when planning your child’s lunch and snacks, depending on the specific needs of the students in your child’s class.

We also work to be a scent-aware working and learning environment. We thank you for your cooperation with all these safety procedures. They are essential to support us in our effort to maintain a safe environment for the children and the rest of the Agincourt community.

Some helpful resources:

Unlock Food (link)

Anaphylaxis Canada (link)

The Hospital For Sick Children (link)

Epi Pens

Students who use EPI PENS must submit a Plan of Care form which outlines specific information about students and medications. Parents are strongly encouraged to arrange for their child to carry the EPI PEN on their person so that it is accessible at all times and to send a second Epi-Pen to be stored in the office. Free waist packs for students can be ordered on the Epi-Pen website here.


Families are asked to follow the guidance of the Ontario Screening Tool when deciding if a student can be in school.  Children who are ill should remain at home until fully recovered. Children who are sick are not able to function well at school, may infect other children in their classes, and will recuperate more quickly in the comfort of their own home. All children at the school are sent outside for recess periods as teacher supervision takes place outdoors.


School staff is not permitted to administer prescription medication to any students without authorization from the parent. If it is necessary for your child to receive medication at school, please complete the Plan of Care form above and email the school to advise before sending medications to school. Please do not send a note asking staff to administer any medicine on a casual basis; legally we are not permitted to do so. New forms are required each year. Should medication or dosage change, a new form must be completed.

Communicable Diseases

Visit the City of Ottawa Public Health website for guidelines for communicable diseases. Please advise the school office if your child has contracted any of these diseases:

  • Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
  • Fifth Disease
  • German Measles
  • Impetigo
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Pediculosis (Lice) - Head lice are not an infectious disease and are considered a nuisance rather than a threat. Students who have evidence of nits or lice are referred home for treatment. Parents are asked to provide the treatment and pick out the nits to ensure that the child returns to school nit free. Everyone's patience and understanding has helped to keep the school free from the spread of head lice.
  • Ringworm
  • Scarlet Fever
  • Whooping Cough
  • Chicken Pox